Thursday, January 31, 2013

Birth Story

Several people have asked me to share my birth story so here is a recap of the events that took place starting with the day I went into labor.

It all started Wednesday morning, January 23, 2013. B was planning on going into the office for a half days work so he was up and out the door by 7am. I let Newts out to go to the bathroom and then nestled back in bed for another hour. When I woke up I had new feelings, uncomfortable ones we call surges (contractions) in HypnoBirthing. Something had started. I called B just before his 9am meeting to let him know the latest and he said he'd be home as soon as he could. His meeting lasted all of 10 minutes and he was home by 9:30am.
But while I waited for him to get home, I wobbled out of bed and made myself a breakfast smoothie (packed with spinach and fruit) because I wasn't sure if that would be the last thing I would be eating for the rest of the day. If this was going to be game time I wanted to make sure I had something filling and healthy. I scrubbed the counters one last time (don't ask why) watered the plants, brushed my teeth, pretty much kept myself busy while all at the same time, resting every 4-7 mins for a surge. I'd grip the countertop for an instance, remember my breathing and release my grip and soon enough the 45-50 seconds of discomfort was over and B was home before I knew it.

He was so excited, also nervous Because he knew it was happening and it was time to follow my lead. He helped me get into the bath, he helped me into the shower, packed the car, ran the spare key to the neighbors, called the grandparents to inform them that the baby was coming soon!

A few hours went by and at about 3pm I made the decision that it was getting time for us to go to labor & delivery and that time was now. B called in to tell the staff that we had a 30 minute drive and that we'd be at the hospital soon. It was starting to rain and we knew the traffic started soon.

We got to the hospital parking lot just before 4pm. I walked myself inside (a goal of mine I had to follow through with) taking a breath with each surge. We finally made it upstairs to labor and delivery, I couldn't believe the time had come for us to birth our baby. I was excited, and not gonna lie, a wee bit nervous. I was examined as part of our arrival process and found to be 3cm+ (almost 4). To be admitted you HAVE to be 4cm, which the medical world considers the beginning of "active labor". The nurses gave us a few hours (knowing we drove through rain and traffic) to relax in a temporary room and allow my cervix to dilate a bit further so we could be fully admitted and get more comfortable with our belongings. We walked the hallways for a bit ( me in the not so cute hospital gown and grippy socks but really you don't even care). We walked at a glacial pace, hand in hand. We laughed, I breathed, He was there for me every step of the way. When we finished walking (after about 45 minutes) our nurse suggested I take a warm shower. However, returning from our walk and just moments after stepping foot into our temporary triage room, my water broke. It happened, I mean this was it. This is really happening!!! It made me nervous, and it made Brian relieved. Brian then reminded me; "Honey, we're for sure getting admitted now. We going to have a baby soon!" I hopped in the shower and cried tears of joy. Was I ready for this?!?

After the walk and the short shower which took only an hour and a half, I was dilated to 5cm! We were officially admitted to labor & delivery and labor was about to get intense for me. I breathed, I meditated and breathed some more with the wonderful help from B standing right by my side the entire time (never leaving my sight). It was so comforting to have him there. Although I did tell him to "shut up" a hand full of times, I couldn't imagine him not being a major part in helping me birth our baby. It took took both of us.

I was dehydrated, was given a saline drip and told to drink water lots of water. Soon after, at 6cm dilated, the surges became unbearable. I started vomiting and thought to myself: "change of plans folks, I want an epidural". Brian asked me once, then asked twice if I was sure. He knew not to ask a third time because that was our game plan, we had discussed these things prior to going into labor and if things were to change from our original HypnoBirthing plan (which was to birth without medication or medical intervention) we knew how to support each other. I was sure I wanted it and he was on board, without hesitation. It was the right decision for our family.

After the epidural (really didn't hurt at all, then again needles don't bother me) I was able to have visitors and converse with my parents for an hour. I was still able to breath my way through surges and reached 9cm in no time. The surges were beginning to get intense again, closer together accompanied with the urge to push. She was coming. With the approval and guidance of Brian and the nurses I was ready and able push when I wanted.

All I could think about at this point was "can I really do this?!?" I voiced that to Brian a few times. He was so supportive and so sweet. He encouraged me that I could, that I was, and that meeting our daughter was just a matter of minutes away. And so, it began. It took 45 minutes of pushing before Baby Flora entered the world at 1:17am.

I did it. Flora and I did it. No, Flora, Brian and I did it, together as a family. It was the most beautiful and spiritual moment that Brian and I have ever shared. A moment we'll never forget. She is our daughter, and only just moments old we were already so in love. A love you can't express until you give birth, see your baby, and become a parent.

Its hard to imagine, but Brian and I have fallen even more madly in love with one another after sharing this milestone together. We were now parents, with a daughter and we are ready to take on our new roles and conquer the world together. And we have done just that.

Flora-bear, mommy and daddy love you.

1 comment:

  1. Really happy to read that you had made plans that were flexible enough for when changes needed to be made. Sounds like it went as well as you could of hoped. Very happy for all 3 of you! Trilled it went so well for you all!
