Thursday, December 20, 2012

Almost There!

With only 4 weeks until Baby Flora's due date I feel like there's still so much preparing to do in her nursery. Oddly enough the only anxiety I'm feeling is related to getting her little space set-up and everything in its place. This is because I'm a planner and an organizer by nature and if the ground work isn't laid out (and complete!) and things don't have a 'home' before she arrives, then there's no way in hell I'll have a second to do it all when she's home, especially not in those first few weeks. And to be honest the energy in my Home needs to feel inviting and cozy, it has to be clean and it has to flow. And right now the energy in her little space ain't feeling so cozy...but it will! Here are a few of the remaining items we still need in order to achieve that 'zen' for our precious daughter's nursery:

Naturepedic Organic Cotton Classic Crib Mattress
- Ubbi Steel Diaper Pail in White
- 6 BumGenius 4.0 One Size Diaper Covers (variety of colors)
- 6 BumGenius Organic Elemental One Size Diaper Covers (variety of colors)
- 2 diaper pail liners
- a 5x8 rug...still deciding.
- a mobile, baskets, a few Etsy wall art items, dresser & an extra crib sheet

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