Saturday, July 28, 2012

15 Weeks-size of an orange

With the start of the Olympic games, we begin our second week of the second trimester.

We spent the last several days picking every last peach from our tree and making the SWEETEST peach preserve for family, friends, and our neighbors. We're excited for next year's harvest when baby can try homemade peach purée for the first time, right from the backyard. Other than that, we're preparing ourselves for the next several months of babies development-next ultrasound scan will be at 20 weeks. At this appointment we'll confirm the baby's gender! We can't wait and Anne-Marie is patiently waiting to make her first baby purchase.

At this stage of development we know the baby can begin to sense light, taste buds are beginning to appear and shortly he/she will be able to hear our cheers for our Olympic contenders. It's very exciting to talk about our future child and the possibilities of them becoming an Olympian-hey you never know! Could SHE be a volleyball player? Will HE be a swimmer? The possibilities are endless and our story has just begun.

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