Monday, July 29, 2013

Let's play catch up!

Here's what's been happening this past month!
- Walked downtown to watch our local 4th of July Parade, it was 97 degrees that day...
-We went to the California Beer Fest in town. It was also really HOT that day. We met friends there & drank lots of beer. 
-I started the 4 Hour Body Diet a month ago & have lost a little over 10 lbs. I have 50 lbs more to go.
-I also joined Stroller Strides & am going to class 3x a week & walking about 4 miles on the other days. 
-Several visits from my parents & my nieces during the week. 
-Different meals I had these past few weeks. High in protein, veggies, no fruit or carbs. 
-We walked across the Golden Gate Bridge. It was Brian's first time! 
-Flora turned 6 months old!!!
-She's tried sweet potato, avocado, pear, acorn squash & peaches from our tree! I also gave her water for the first time in her sippy cup. She loves it, just like her mama ;))
-I swear she's going to pull herself up from the sitting position any day now! So we lowered her crib mattress the other day. 
-She loves Jack Johnson, The Alphabet song, standing, jumping in her jumparoo, sitting up all by herself, tummy tickles, and laughing at her puppy.
-Spending lots of time with my playgroup- wine nights, hikes through Mill Valley, & many many walks around town & lunch dates. I love these ladies & it's so fun watching our babies grow up together! 

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