Monday, November 19, 2012

31 Weeks- size of 4 oranges!

It's wild to know that in just 8 weeks from today Flora's due date will be here! And I'll be starting my 8th month of pregnancy in 5 days! So far so good I must say. Will she arrive early or on time?!!? Mama's thinking early, but not TOO early!

Baby girl seems to still be in position, although I think she has swung her little legs around and are now more up towards my ribs, where they're suppose to be. I'm no longer feeling the ninja-kicks to my right hip bone, just new movement at the top center of my stomach, between my rib-cage. I mentioned on my last post that I can tell when she has the hiccups, which seem to be nightly these days. I'll be laying in bed and think to myself, "Wow, she's active right now,"  then I count the "kicks" and realize they're synchronized about every few seconds. Silly girl :)

Time went by rather slow this weekend, which we certainly aren't complaining about. Saturday morning B got a facial, yes let me repeat, B got a facial (i made him lol), and I had a few waxings done (arms pits weren't that bad!). Afterwards, I meet up with one of my fellow HypnoBirthing mamas for lunch in Corte Madera at The Counter! Talk about an indulgent lunch, woo-wee! We each ordered our own massively sized burger and side of fries. Mine were a 'special' fry order with parm and rosemary which ended up being twice the size of a regular order. And I'm proud to say that I ate most of them. What can I tell ya, Baby girl was hungry lol. After lunch we walked (waddled) and talked and had some great laughs comparing sleeping positions, cravings, and our excitement for the weeks to come. She is 4 weeks ahead and I can't wait to hear her birth story. She and her husband are going to be wonderful parents. I so anxious to meet their new addition!

Sunday B took Newts on a killer 6.5 mile hike up Mt. Burdell in Novato while I went and 'tested' out another catholic church in town. We're trying to find a church that we vibe with because we'll eventually baptize Baby Flora there and attend mass regularly. What I really mean is, we'll attend at least once a month  maybe every other. Is that bad? lol.

Ran a few errands, ate a ton, walked a bit, meditated and relaxed with my favorite person and fur babies. Life is great. And we're blessed to have only 8 short more weeks until we meet our sweet, precious bundle of joy. What more can a girl want in life <3. I have it all.
Sweet treats at my beauty salon, The Beauty Nook. I couldn't pass up the cotton candy!
My wonderful friend and mom-to-be, Julissa! 
Happy Thanksgiving!
My DIY Pinterest project : before
My DIY Pinterest project: after. This is in our kitchen window and
I will make two more for the windows in our living room!

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