Tuesday, November 6, 2012

29 Week Q's & A's

How far along? 29 weeks 4 Days
Total weight gain/loss:Ok ladies and gentleman, I have officially gained weight. I'm 3 lbs over my pre-pregnancy weight and that's not bad considering I'm 7.5 months pregnant.  
Maternity clothes? Still living in my maternity leggings and pairing them with loose tops and long tanks. 
Stretch marks: Still the same three hanging out. Woop-dee doo. 
Sleep: I've had heartburn here and there so instead of using my body pillow in between my legs, I'm using it under my head to elevate myself. I'm still up about once/twice a night for bathroom trips and I'm having trippy dreams. Other than that, sleeping pretty good. 
Best moment this week: Our 30 weeks ultrasound appt yesterday! So here's the low down- at 20 weeks I was told I had a partial placenta previa. Here's a picture to better understand.
Placenta Previa
Having been told this at 20 weeks, the Doc told us this can and usually does correct itself  but if it doesn't talk of a c-section would have to begin at our next appt. Having chosen HypnoBirthing this wasn't what we wanted to hear, nor the type of birth we had planned, but we stayed positive and hoped for the best. AND yesterday's appointment confirmed that I no longer have a partial planceta previa, my placenta has moved up and out of the way of my cervix, giving baby a clear path to birth naturally! So this was a HUGE relief for us! I couldn't stop crying because I've been telling Baby Flora every day to push it out of the way and to get into the proper position for a natural birth and, being the wonderful little girl that she already is, she worked with mommy and her head is down and placenta is where it should be. And to top off the good news, she's measuring ahead of her due date, 10 days ahead! So I'm actually closer to 31 weeks then 29! Yikes, haha!
Crazy Dream this week: It's not baby related but I had a dream that my co-worker got caught drinking at work and was fired. Nothing too exciting...
Miss anything? Sleeping on my stomach, ALCOHOL, hot tubbin', wrestling with my husband :)
Movement: All day every day! Now knowing where her head, hands, butt and legs are it's all making sense that she's kicking my pelvic bone and punching my belly button. And I love it all!
Food cravings: It doesn't matter, just food in general. I'm hungry ALL THE TIME. 
Anything making you queasy or sick: I can eat pizza again, but it HAS to be plain cheese pizza, still can't do tuna salad or mexy food. 
Have you started to show yet: YES! Baby girl has made her presence known!
Gender prediction:Girl, woot woot!
Labor Signs: None. Stay in there baby! I'm not ready yet!
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On and still really loose. 
Happy or Moody most of the time: HAPPY!!!!
Weekly Wisdom: Mind over matter is a powerful tool to practice and believe in. It works!
Looking forward to: My third 3 day weekend in a row this weekend, a bbq at a friends house Sunday afternoon, and rainy days starting Thursday that hopefully spill over into the weekend. Also, we're buying the crib this week. I'm SO in love with it. I'll post a tour of the nursery when the nursery is ALL done, but that'll be weeks from now!!!! So until then, use your imagination-lavender/grey walls, dark hardwood floor and this mini armoire for storage. That's all folks!

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