Friday, November 30, 2012

33 Week Q's & A's

Taken from our backyard around 5pm
How far along? 32 weeks 7 days
Total weight gain/loss: 13 lbs. ugh.
Maternity clothes? because the cold weather has arrived my outfits these days are usually a mismatch of maternity leggings,  big sweaters,  moccasins and a long tank. And yes, I do leave the house in this sweet ensemble. 
Stretch marks: A 4th popped up recently but luckily it's tiny. So I have 4 small ones located on my lower tummy. 
Sleep: My heartburn comes and goes (I recently read a cup of water and a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar is the trick), I'm up twice in the middle of the night to pee and just within the past 4 days I feel like she's dropped so changing from side to side is a wee bit more challenging and uncomfortable. 
Best moment this week:  Today is my last day at work ;)
Crazy Dream this week: Hmm, I can't think of one. I haven't had a good night's rest in a week so that's probably why.
Miss anything? Same things: Sleeping on my stomach, ALCOHOL, hot tubbin', wrestling with my husband & puppy :)
Movement: All day every day! 
Food cravings: It doesn't matter, just food in general. Although I've really enjoyed grapefruit juice lately. 
Anything making you queasy or sick: mushrooms, tuna, and Mexican food. Ugh-I don't know if I can ever stomach Mexican food again. I attempted a kid's size bean and cheese burrito the other night and that didn't work out. at. all. :(
Have you started to show yet: lol, absolutely. 
Gender prediction: A little princess!!!
Labor Signs: None thank god. Not even Braxton Hicks.
Belly Button in or out? In. It'll never pop out! You could probably dig a damn hole to China through there, lol. 
Wedding rings on or off? On and still really loose. 
Happy or Moody most of the time: SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HAPPY!!!!
Weekly Wisdom: Don't involve yourself in ANY stressful situation, even if people try to involve you in one. The health and well-being of you and your baby is the MOST IMPORTANT thing to focus on so remove yourself from the stress and meditate, relax and breath deeply. Let your partner, spouse, or friend handle the BS and refocus on baby : ) All I have to say is my husband and I make a phenomenal team in stressful times :) We're each other's ying-and yang. 
Looking forward to: maternity leave for 4 long blissful  months starting TODAY, walking with my fellow hypnobirthing mamas and having brunch Monday morning, a mother daughter Christmas dinner that night and volunteering to make a meal for a new mother in the Novato Mother's Club and her family for Friday. 

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Well hello 4am

Last night B & I picked up Flora's new dresser/changing table. We had a neighbor help us unload and situate it in her nursery and ever since it landed in her room I haven't been able to take my mind off decorating her sweet space. I brought my birthing ball in (it's really just a plain ole' exercise ball we'll bring to the hospital to pre-labor on) and sat in her nursery for a few hours, just staring around the semi-empty room. B came to the rescue and said he could tell I wasn't "feeling" the current placement of the new dresser and told me to go lie down so he could rearrange some things. In typical me fashion, I usually wouldn't allow this to happen, I would rearrange to my own liking, however by 8:30 at night and almost 8 months pregnant, I easily surrender these days. A few minutes later he had it all redesigned, just as I would have imagined it! Way to go Hubs!

So, long story short I've fallen madly , deeply in love with Flora's nursery and it's all I can think about now. How to decorate, how to organize the dresser drawers and design the closet space, etc, etc, etc. And this my friends, explains this insane and random 4am blog post. Only an excited mama-to-be would be adding items to her 'Wish List' on Amazon in anticipation of her daughter arriving in 7.5 short weeks (or less!).

4 days of work left and it's on and poppin in that nursery of hers!!! I can't wait!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Changing Table/Dresser Inspirations

I've finally found the dresser/changing table for Flora's nursery!!! It's posted on Craigslist and I'm patiently awaiting a reply from the seller for the offer we just made! It's EXACTLY what I've been wanting. 9-drawer BEAUTIFUL antique/vintage dresser! It's currently painted a medium shade of gray, which really would go with the room color scheme, however I envision it painted a true white to match her crib, side table, and wall trim in the rest of the room.

Fingers crossed we get to bring it home TONIGHT!!!

Here are a few images that have inspired me:

This dresser is VERY similar to the one we hope to get for her room!

And...the verdict is in.....WE GOT THE DRESSER!!!!! And for $50 off the seller's asking price. She said she didn't want to go that low because it was an expensive purchase and pricey to refinish but said she couldn't say no to our offer because it's being placed in a nursery!

I'm SO HAPPY I just might cry! Damn you pregnancy hormones :)

Monday, November 19, 2012

31 Weeks- size of 4 oranges!

It's wild to know that in just 8 weeks from today Flora's due date will be here! And I'll be starting my 8th month of pregnancy in 5 days! So far so good I must say. Will she arrive early or on time?!!? Mama's thinking early, but not TOO early!

Baby girl seems to still be in position, although I think she has swung her little legs around and are now more up towards my ribs, where they're suppose to be. I'm no longer feeling the ninja-kicks to my right hip bone, just new movement at the top center of my stomach, between my rib-cage. I mentioned on my last post that I can tell when she has the hiccups, which seem to be nightly these days. I'll be laying in bed and think to myself, "Wow, she's active right now,"  then I count the "kicks" and realize they're synchronized about every few seconds. Silly girl :)

Time went by rather slow this weekend, which we certainly aren't complaining about. Saturday morning B got a facial, yes let me repeat, B got a facial (i made him lol), and I had a few waxings done (arms pits weren't that bad!). Afterwards, I meet up with one of my fellow HypnoBirthing mamas for lunch in Corte Madera at The Counter! Talk about an indulgent lunch, woo-wee! We each ordered our own massively sized burger and side of fries. Mine were a 'special' fry order with parm and rosemary which ended up being twice the size of a regular order. And I'm proud to say that I ate most of them. What can I tell ya, Baby girl was hungry lol. After lunch we walked (waddled) and talked and had some great laughs comparing sleeping positions, cravings, and our excitement for the weeks to come. She is 4 weeks ahead and I can't wait to hear her birth story. She and her husband are going to be wonderful parents. I so anxious to meet their new addition!

Sunday B took Newts on a killer 6.5 mile hike up Mt. Burdell in Novato while I went and 'tested' out another catholic church in town. We're trying to find a church that we vibe with because we'll eventually baptize Baby Flora there and attend mass regularly. What I really mean is, we'll attend at least once a month  maybe every other. Is that bad? lol.

Ran a few errands, ate a ton, walked a bit, meditated and relaxed with my favorite person and fur babies. Life is great. And we're blessed to have only 8 short more weeks until we meet our sweet, precious bundle of joy. What more can a girl want in life <3. I have it all.
Sweet treats at my beauty salon, The Beauty Nook. I couldn't pass up the cotton candy!
My wonderful friend and mom-to-be, Julissa! 
Happy Thanksgiving!
My DIY Pinterest project : before
My DIY Pinterest project: after. This is in our kitchen window and
I will make two more for the windows in our living room!

Friday, November 16, 2012

Baby's Breakfast

My favorite coconut water, a cutie, and a vegan chocolate doughnut! 

*** I bought a big bag of Cuties so tonight I plan on making a Fall stove top potpourri with some of the leftover peels, an apple, cinnamon sticks and whole cloves. Just add water and let it simmer. Something yummy to smell while we watch a movie or dance the night away at Home.

Happy Friday!

The Little Things

It's a rainy, cold morning here in Oakland, my favorite kind of morning, minus having to be at work. I just picked up some grocery items next door at Whole Foods. Yes! I work next to a Whole Foods. It's T-R-O-U-B-L-E. Anyway, I brought back a container of my favorite vegan doughnuts and a bag of Cuties for my breakfast and to share with a few of my co-workers. Why not. I'm thankful for (most of) them and wanted to brighten their morning. One in particular co-worker came in and accepted a doughnut and then did something that caught me completely off guard. They went in for a big. bear. hug. And then told me, "I don't hug you enough. And I should. Thank you for everything." Well... it brought me to tears. Just like that.

Thing is, I'm used to passing out the hugs, the smiles, the kind gestures  because it's what I do, what I enjoy. But when others present me with them, it always touches me, beyond belief.

Being appreciated and recognized for a job well done in the work place, or simply being a good person and friend to your co-workers tends to go unnoticed these days. With the hustle and bustle of the day, the daily/weekly/monthly goals your department needs to meet, and the pressure from above, and hell!-job security, time takes over and we forget that we're all a team, that employees need recognition (some don't) but it doesn't hurt to hand it out. So my lesson here folks... taking time to appreciate someone and tell goes far for many.

This co-worker made my day. And I thank you.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

30 Weeks-size of a cabbage

30 weeks 3 days here!

Baby girl is grooooowing!!! She's about 16.5 inches long and weighs close to 3.5 lbs! She is constantly moving around, has bouts of hiccups, and kicks me with her tiny toes in my right hip bone nightly. Her head is hopefully still down with her little hands sitting right underneath my belly button.
As for our weekend-Saturday we (hesitantly) strolled into Babies R Us and it was all we expected it to be. An overload of primary colors, a plastic play land of toys and a mess of employees who could care less about customer service and scoring that 'Employee of the Quarter' award. We marched in with one goal-to buy our daughter's car seat and get the hell out of there. Which is exactly what we did. I'm praying  I don't have to step foot in that store for at least another three years. What a headache.

Early Sunday morning we bundled up and went on our second hike for the weekend, to Deer Island Trail just minutes from our house. It's our favorite trail because no one is ever there at the butt crack of dawn like we are and it's quiet and peaceful that time of the day. Everything was covered with frost, sun was shining and it was gorgeous out.
Showing off my awesome knee high socks.
SO COLD! We loved it!
It was a clear blue morning!

Frost everywhere.
 I love those little bat ears of his. 
Do you see the piece of kibble flying at his mouth?! Great shot.
Sunday afternoon B and I finished  up rearranging and clearing out the garage and getting rid of more crap we don't need, don't use. Less is more these days. And Sunday evening I went to a girlfriend's house in town and had dinner with her and her husband and two kids and her best friend. I brought this salad and some spinach artichoke dip that I smeared onto a ciabatta roll then sprinkled with parm, which I then baked in the oven for 20 minutes. It was areally fun night. It's SO great to have new friends in town that I can count on for mommy advice and a good laugh.

***Changes I made to the broccoli salad recipe:

I used vegenaise, added 1 grated carrot, and about two hand fulls of chopped cashews that I toasted rather than sunflower seeds. It was a HIT at dinner. even my girlfriend's husband, who can hardly stomach broccoli, had some and gave it two thumbs up! I made enough for about 8 people so I brought the leftovers home and we had some with our dinner last night and it'll be my dinner tonight.

Lastly, I made  THIS INSANE Pinterest sweet treat Monday afternoon. It's a total pregnancy pin I'll admit! I whipped it up in just a matter of minutes and volia! Talk about guilty pleasure, WOW! Brian was in sugar HEAVEN!
Yes, that's brownie mix in the bowl! I poured it over the top!

Friday, November 9, 2012

29 weeks-size of a butternut squash

I know this is seven days late! But better late than never, right?! Here's a picture of my bump that I took at work this morning-so technically I'm 29 weeks 7 days here. I love it so much. I've never felt prettier.
Happy Friday to all you beautiful people!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Clean Baby = Happy Mama

So. I know, I know, I know my baby will spit up, have leaky diapers, explosions, drool, get food in her hair, etc, etc BUT I'd really like to start off to a clean start if at all possible. So, I bought these bad boys today. They're so popular and have such rave reviews, they're currently out of stock on their website and flying off shelves in stores. I just happen to score the last three packets at Whole Foods AND they were on sale for a dollar off!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Easy Dinner

With a sick husband and myself with low energy and a sore tummy from sitting at my desk all day, I decided to make an easy, protein filled dinner tonight. I got the idea from a blog I follow, BluebirdKisses. She's a wife and a mother of a really cute little boy and is all about whipping up simple, healthy dinners. Let's just say I'm only making chicken strips with almond flour from this point forward! AH-MAZE-ING. Here's her blog post about the salad. Recipe included. 

A few changes I made: I added grated carrots to the salad and left out the avocado because I didn't have one, and mixed organic apple cider and balsamic vinegar, olive oil, vegenaise (yes, that's vegan mayo folks-we've been using it for YEARS) and salt and pepper for the dressing.

B will have the leftovers for lunch tomorrow and I plan on making the chicken strips again for football Sunday (one weekend soon when we get cable and internet back!) paired with a tangy mustard dip and veggie sticks.
Image from BluebirdKisses
Image from BluebirdKisses

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

29 Week Q's & A's

How far along? 29 weeks 4 Days
Total weight gain/loss:Ok ladies and gentleman, I have officially gained weight. I'm 3 lbs over my pre-pregnancy weight and that's not bad considering I'm 7.5 months pregnant.  
Maternity clothes? Still living in my maternity leggings and pairing them with loose tops and long tanks. 
Stretch marks: Still the same three hanging out. Woop-dee doo. 
Sleep: I've had heartburn here and there so instead of using my body pillow in between my legs, I'm using it under my head to elevate myself. I'm still up about once/twice a night for bathroom trips and I'm having trippy dreams. Other than that, sleeping pretty good. 
Best moment this week: Our 30 weeks ultrasound appt yesterday! So here's the low down- at 20 weeks I was told I had a partial placenta previa. Here's a picture to better understand.
Placenta Previa
Having been told this at 20 weeks, the Doc told us this can and usually does correct itself  but if it doesn't talk of a c-section would have to begin at our next appt. Having chosen HypnoBirthing this wasn't what we wanted to hear, nor the type of birth we had planned, but we stayed positive and hoped for the best. AND yesterday's appointment confirmed that I no longer have a partial planceta previa, my placenta has moved up and out of the way of my cervix, giving baby a clear path to birth naturally! So this was a HUGE relief for us! I couldn't stop crying because I've been telling Baby Flora every day to push it out of the way and to get into the proper position for a natural birth and, being the wonderful little girl that she already is, she worked with mommy and her head is down and placenta is where it should be. And to top off the good news, she's measuring ahead of her due date, 10 days ahead! So I'm actually closer to 31 weeks then 29! Yikes, haha!
Crazy Dream this week: It's not baby related but I had a dream that my co-worker got caught drinking at work and was fired. Nothing too exciting...
Miss anything? Sleeping on my stomach, ALCOHOL, hot tubbin', wrestling with my husband :)
Movement: All day every day! Now knowing where her head, hands, butt and legs are it's all making sense that she's kicking my pelvic bone and punching my belly button. And I love it all!
Food cravings: It doesn't matter, just food in general. I'm hungry ALL THE TIME. 
Anything making you queasy or sick: I can eat pizza again, but it HAS to be plain cheese pizza, still can't do tuna salad or mexy food. 
Have you started to show yet: YES! Baby girl has made her presence known!
Gender prediction:Girl, woot woot!
Labor Signs: None. Stay in there baby! I'm not ready yet!
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On and still really loose. 
Happy or Moody most of the time: HAPPY!!!!
Weekly Wisdom: Mind over matter is a powerful tool to practice and believe in. It works!
Looking forward to: My third 3 day weekend in a row this weekend, a bbq at a friends house Sunday afternoon, and rainy days starting Thursday that hopefully spill over into the weekend. Also, we're buying the crib this week. I'm SO in love with it. I'll post a tour of the nursery when the nursery is ALL done, but that'll be weeks from now!!!! So until then, use your imagination-lavender/grey walls, dark hardwood floor and this mini armoire for storage. That's all folks!

Friday, November 2, 2012

Special Project

I'm working on a special project that won't be unveiled until middle of December. However, I'm getting more inspired with new ideas each day that passes, finalizing details and anxious to share the news with everyone in just a matter of weeks. I hope those of you that read my blog and care to support my project will participate when the time comes.

Until then, it's...

Happy Friday family and friends!!!!!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

What a cute baby shower!!!!

I love everything about this baby shower. The colors, the display of maternity photos, the mimosa and bagel bar. What great ideas! Check out the On to Baby Blog for more details and pictures!