Thursday, August 16, 2012

Hypno Birthing

I couldn't be more excited to share with you that I've chosen Hypno Birthing as my way of delivering our baby! I've known about this type of birthing for several months before we got pregnant but wasn't sure if I'd be a 'good' candidate for it. After researching, talking with my cousin who had a successful Hypno Birth with her baby boy 10 months ago, and discussing all other options with Brian, I now feel extremely confident and comfortable with my decision and my ability to bring our baby into this world through deep meditation and breathing techniques!

I won't be alone in this journey however. Brian's role with a Hypno Birth is HUGE! Starting mid-Sept we'll both be attending a 2.5-3 hour once a week class teaching us methods of relaxing, natural childbirth education, and self-hypnosis techniques (aka mediation folks!)  through exercises, breathing techniques, scripts, readings, and music. While I'm in my "zone" during labor Brian's role will be to read me scripts, provide me with words of encouragement, help remind me of my breathing rhythms, and play music. Together we'll both make sure to have a calm and soothing environment in the delivery room- something I've always dreamt of having. I'm really not the screaming, loud and swearing type when it comes to 'panicky' and uncomfortable situations. I usually go silent.  For example nurses and Dr's will be instructed to be quiet around me at certain times of my hypnosis and not use loud tones, medical terms, and alarming voices-lights off and music on whenever possible. 

Lastly, here are two videos that will help you understand and learn more about Hypno Birthing. So exciting! Just thinking about meditating with baby in me gets me so emotional ;)

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