I woke up this morning so excited for the day! Brian and I are in Fortuna, CA for a wedding that I'm in for my wonderful college roomie! I'm so excited to see her in her gown, eat some good food, and dance the night away! Tomorrow, on our way out of town we plan on visiting the redwoods. I'm excited to stroll through the old ancient trees and breath some fresh air!
Today also marks 4 months pregnant! IThe baby is about 6 inches in length, the size of an avocado! Tiny bones are forming in baby's ears which mean the baby can now pick up our voices! We better start reading stories to him/her and playing some Rhianna & Norah Jones-mama's two favorite song artists! A few more updates: eyebrows, eyelashes, and hair are starting to fill in, and taste buds are forming. So crazy!
Love it...love the pics. Don't forget to put the headphones on your belly and play some classical too! Oh ya, and you can buy equipment so that you can also hear the baby's heartbeat...<3Have fun you two