Lately all I can think about besides baby of course is the first day of Fall rolling in, which is just a few weeks away! Sept 22nd to be exact! And I'm LOVING this cold and balmy morning so much that I had to treat myself to an almond milk latte (with two shots decaf and one shot caf) with a few extra dashes of cinnamon mixed in. Cinnamon might be my favorite smell during the holiday season. I put it on everything!!!
Happy Friday and Labor Day Weekend Friends and Family!
Friday, August 31, 2012
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
19 Week-Q's & A's
How far along? 19 wks 4 days
Total weight gain/loss: I'm up a few lbs but still have 7 lbs to go before I hit my pre-pregnancy weight. My goal is to hit 20 weeks and still be under my pre-pregnancy weight and it's looking good!
Maternity clothes? Bought one maternity dress from Target, the dress in my 19 week pictures.I have room to grow in it ;)
Stretch marks: Nothing new popping up! Whew!
Sleep: Tossing and turning most nights now, more than usual because I've hit the point of no longer able to sleep on my stomach. So snuggling with my body pillow on either side is what I have to work with. And the cat is somewhere in there as well-snuggling close to mama's tummy.
Best moment this week: It's not baby related but we've finally picked a paint color for our living room, kitchen and master bedroom walls. It's a cool gray color and I love it! It's really going to be a wonderful contrast to our dark hardwood floors. B will start painting mid-Sept!
Have you told family and friends: You know it!
Miss Anything? Alcohol-champagne, vodka club soda's w/ cranberry, a shot of tequila. See the running trend here folks. Mama needs a cocktail.
Movement: No flutters lately and no new movements. Trying to be patient ;)
Food cravings: I can eat almost anything in sight. No joke! I'm eating about every 2 hours these days too. Soups, spinach artichoke dip, smoothies are a few of my favs. Chocolate too. Nothing crazy like a whole jar of pickles-although that may come ;)
Anything making you queasy or sick: STILL the smell of Mexican food, pizza, tuna.
Have you started to show yet: I'd say so ;) And the girls, well how can you miss them! ;)
Gender prediction: GIRL but we find out next tuesday!
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On!
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy! with a little sprinkle of moody ;)
Weekly Wisdom: Standing for long periods of time sucks. It makes my tummy tired. Baths are awesome at the end of a work day and so is hot tea with lemon on cool, breezy nights. Also, buy a body pillow ;)
Looking forward to: Walking down to the farmer's market tonight. We're in dire need of fresh fruit and veggies in the house. A 3 day weekend with no real plans-maybe, just maybe a trip to the Marine Mammal Center to support the sea lions and pups that have been rescued ;) And munching on the fresh batch of chocolate chip raspberry cookies I made last night, for dessert this week. Drool.
Sunday, August 26, 2012
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Monday, August 20, 2012
New Reading Material
Look what arrived in the mail today-my new book which came highly recommended from our Hypno Birthing instructor Debbie. I can't wait to dive into it this week.
Sunday, August 19, 2012
It's all about the journey
B left early this morning (4:30am) for his 18 mile hiking trip through the Yosemite mountains-his destination, an area called 10 Lakes. Yes there are in fact 10 lakes! He was anxious, but more excited for the adventures and the time in nature. It's been about four years since he's taken such a trek but I know he's mentally prepared and has everything he needs for a successful and safe hike. The weather looks clear and warm for Yosemite Valley so he is hoping to set up his hammock, rather then a tent, and sleep under the stars. How sweet, right?!
Since I have a (semi) quiet day with the animals and myself, I decided to treat Newts to a trip to the dog park early this morning (I couldn't go back to sleep after B left and neither could Newton) and relax in our backyard. Later on I'm hoping to make it to a local antique show to gather ideas and inspirations for the nursery. I may get my car washed as well-there's way too much dog hair in my back seat for my liking. I need to squeeze a nap in there somewhere too.
Enjoy some pictures I took today of our ever growing garden. Not pictured: hot peppers and lemon cucumbers. We have a ton of cucs! Hmm, I should make homemade tzaziki when B gets Home! I've also included two pictures of our new wine barrel that our neighbor gave us and cut in half. He works at Cline Winery in Sonoma and is able to get them for free when they're done being used or have a defect, i.e crack or leak. I LOVE them and can't wait to get two more to use with a piece of wood as a hightop table or bar for outdoor entertaining.
Since I have a (semi) quiet day with the animals and myself, I decided to treat Newts to a trip to the dog park early this morning (I couldn't go back to sleep after B left and neither could Newton) and relax in our backyard. Later on I'm hoping to make it to a local antique show to gather ideas and inspirations for the nursery. I may get my car washed as well-there's way too much dog hair in my back seat for my liking. I need to squeeze a nap in there somewhere too.
Enjoy some pictures I took today of our ever growing garden. Not pictured: hot peppers and lemon cucumbers. We have a ton of cucs! Hmm, I should make homemade tzaziki when B gets Home! I've also included two pictures of our new wine barrel that our neighbor gave us and cut in half. He works at Cline Winery in Sonoma and is able to get them for free when they're done being used or have a defect, i.e crack or leak. I LOVE them and can't wait to get two more to use with a piece of wood as a hightop table or bar for outdoor entertaining.
Black Krim Heirloom Tomatoes-these are going to be gorgeous when cut and displayed on a platter!
Yellow Pear Tomatoes-although they look red! Hmm!
Green Bell Peppers
I'm adding these beauties to a cold quinoa salad for my dinner on Monday!
Wine barrels on our back patio!
Drift wood from Crab Beach in Fortuna, CA
Saturday, August 18, 2012
18 Weeks-size of a sweet potato
Baby is now 5.5 inches in length and weighs about 7oz, the size of a sweet potato, one of my favorite root veggies!
Starting this past Friday I've been feeling very strong flutter movement. It's a strange feeling, almost like tiny gas bubbles moving around, sometimes slight pressure and stretching pain involved as well. Knowing that the baby is growing so fast at this point and the idea of feeling movement makes me anxious and a little nervous but of course excited. We haven't seen the baby since our 12.5 week ultrasound and won't until Sept 4th. I really can't think about much else other then our baby and it's health and well-being. I guess my worrying as a first time mother for my child has officially begun-then again it really began 18 weeks ago. It truly is incredible how much unconditional love you have for a little bundle of joy you haven't even met yet. Knowing that Brian and I are bringing this baby into the world after 9 years of continuous love, laughter, joy, and friendship simply rocks my world. I remember meeting him in college just like it was yesterday. He was awkward and quiet yet simply irresistible somehow and exactly the type of guy I would never go for. We fell hard in love and it's only gotten more intense as time has gone by. Now we havin' a bay-bay! Haha!
I'm so thrilled to be just 2 short weeks away from my half way mark-that means I'll be 5 months! So wild! I'm loving every day, every minute and moment being pregnant! Just 153 more days until baby's due date!
Starting this past Friday I've been feeling very strong flutter movement. It's a strange feeling, almost like tiny gas bubbles moving around, sometimes slight pressure and stretching pain involved as well. Knowing that the baby is growing so fast at this point and the idea of feeling movement makes me anxious and a little nervous but of course excited. We haven't seen the baby since our 12.5 week ultrasound and won't until Sept 4th. I really can't think about much else other then our baby and it's health and well-being. I guess my worrying as a first time mother for my child has officially begun-then again it really began 18 weeks ago. It truly is incredible how much unconditional love you have for a little bundle of joy you haven't even met yet. Knowing that Brian and I are bringing this baby into the world after 9 years of continuous love, laughter, joy, and friendship simply rocks my world. I remember meeting him in college just like it was yesterday. He was awkward and quiet yet simply irresistible somehow and exactly the type of guy I would never go for. We fell hard in love and it's only gotten more intense as time has gone by. Now we havin' a bay-bay! Haha!
I'm so thrilled to be just 2 short weeks away from my half way mark-that means I'll be 5 months! So wild! I'm loving every day, every minute and moment being pregnant! Just 153 more days until baby's due date!
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Hypno Birthing
I couldn't be more excited to share with you that I've chosen Hypno Birthing as my way of delivering our baby! I've known about this type of birthing for several months before we got pregnant but wasn't sure if I'd be a 'good' candidate for it. After researching, talking with my cousin who had a successful Hypno Birth with her baby boy 10 months ago, and discussing all other options with Brian, I now feel extremely confident and comfortable with my decision and my ability to bring our baby into this world through deep meditation and breathing techniques!
I won't be alone in this journey however. Brian's role with a Hypno Birth is HUGE! Starting mid-Sept we'll both be attending a 2.5-3 hour once a week class teaching us methods of relaxing, natural childbirth education, and self-hypnosis techniques (aka mediation folks!) through exercises, breathing techniques, scripts, readings, and music. While I'm in my "zone" during labor Brian's role will be to read me scripts, provide me with words of encouragement, help remind me of my breathing rhythms, and play music. Together we'll both make sure to have a calm and soothing environment in the delivery room- something I've always dreamt of having. I'm really not the screaming, loud and swearing type when it comes to 'panicky' and uncomfortable situations. I usually go silent. For example nurses and Dr's will be instructed to be quiet around me at certain times of my hypnosis and not use loud tones, medical terms, and alarming voices-lights off and music on whenever possible.
Lastly, here are two videos that will help you understand and learn more about Hypno Birthing. So exciting! Just thinking about meditating with baby in me gets me so emotional ;)
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Baby's Lunch
Chicken noodle soup, roll and organic blueberries. Not pictured is my piece of chocolate cheesecake for dessert. Yah that's right, I have dessert at lunch some days!
Monday, August 13, 2012
Under the Weather
Despite my high spirits and bout of energy these past few days, I woke up yesterday morning a little congested. It didn't stop me from having a fun and VERY productive day with B but this morning when I woke up I felt worse-feeling a little sluggish inside and achy on the outside. Wanting to ignore the thought of me possibly coming down with a cold-I came into work and trekked along and stubbornly fought on with the day. Although, now here it is almost 3pm and all I want to do is put my pj's on and take a warm bath. and SLEEP. Zzzzzz
I've had hot tea with lemon, plenty of water, an apple and now this Super Green drink my darling Hubby requested I buy. Bottom's up!
17 Week-Q's & A's
How far along? 17 wks 3 days
Total weight gain/loss: Still DOWN 11 lbs! So I'm still negative my pre-pregnancy weight, whew!
Maternity clothes? I bought my first pair of maternity leggings & I'm LOVING THEM!
Stretch marks: Thanks to my darling Husband for pointing them out, I guess I have three new ones creeping up on my lower tummy. It's in my genes I guess. Grrreat.
Sleep: This past week I had a few restless nights, but I definitely have my energy back during the day. My bedtime is no longer 8pm, more like 9:30 these days. How exciting right?! ;)
Best moment this week: Getting a mani/pedi at a new nail salon that I discovered in San Rafael! They use vegan nail polish & nail polish remover, organic lotions, serve you lemon water or organic herbal hot tea, massage you, and treat you like a freakin' Queen. The owners are pretty much my new BFF's!
Have you told family and friends: HELL YEAH!
Miss Anything? Champagne, champagne, and more champagne. B promised me a magnum of Veuve Clicquot when baby is born! And I can't wait!
Movement: I’ve felt light flutters but no real movement or kicks. Supposedly any day now!!!
Food cravings: Ummm, I have the appetite of a truck driver these days! I will eat almost anything but still really enjoying fruit smoothies blended w/ almond milk, bagels and cream cheese, chocolate, lately I've been loving pasta with alfredo and veggies, and of course WATER!
Anything making you queasy or sick: The smell of Mexican food, mushrooms, pizza, tuna. I've started eating meat again-I mean how can I turn down a cheeseburger?!?
Have you started to show yet: Hmm, I guess I have a bump?!? Boobs are still getting bigger by the minute.
Gender prediction: I think a girl but B and I were taking last night and he really thinks we're having a boy. Ekkk!!! ;)
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On!
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!
Weekly Wisdom: If you have energy do something with it-organize, take a walk, make dinner, do something. But it comes in waves and far and few these days so when you have it it's a nice surprise!
Looking forward to: A warm bath this week. Despite the warm weather- ok HOT weather!, we've had I really just want a bath or maybe I just want to be in water. So maybe a nice swim this week. Being preggy I swear my mind changes every 2.5 seconds. So just bare with me ok?!? ;)
Sweet Summer Time
I'm all for exploring and discovering around town and my life's motto of "keep it spicy!" fits well with that sooo that's what we did this weekend! Here are a few pictures to wrap up all the fun we had exploring our sweet town of Novato and Marin County! We can't wait for Little Baby Costa to join in all the fun next year! 

*We picked Blackberries Friday evening along the country roads in Novato!*
![]() *I'll freeze some for smoothies & make... |
![]() *Blackberry Chocolate Chip Scones for breakfast!!!* ![]() *They were so good, I had 3 of them!!!!!!* ![]() *Saturday-strolling through Mission Dolores in San Francisco!* ![]() *Brunch at Radish w/ my best friend Katy & her Husband Sharad!* ![]() *Catching some sun at Dolores park with B!* ![]() *We roasted S'mores in our backyard Saturday which unbeknownst to me was National S'mores Day!* |
BTW-here's the recipe for the blackberry scones! I added chocolate chips since we had them sitting around for a while and it was time to use them and I substituted organic plain non-fat yogurt instead of using the sour cream. Healthier version I guess ;) Next time I'd probably add more lemon zest because I LOVE the flavor. Enjoy!
Saturday, August 11, 2012
17 Weeks-size of an onion
This weekend begins the 17th week of our adventure. As a matter of fact, adventure will be this weeks theme.
We started off friday evening finally feeling what we believe to be the baby's movements. We learned earlier in the week that the baby's ear bones are forming and that baby will begin to hear any day now. As a proud papa does, Brian was rubbing and talking to the bump and without a doubt...a feeling from within. ;)
The next day we woke up to take the pup on a morning stroll and prepare for a fun day in the city. Sharing this special time among friends in the outdoors has been such a blessing. Saturday brunch and drinks in Dolores Park (water for mama, beer for papa). Such a relaxing day...
Sunday has come and gone with a flurry of activity (both parents and baby)...we feel the baby moving nightly now and can't wait to lay down at the end of each day and talk to the belly.
The adventures continue next week with a busy schedule for us both. Brian begins packing for his mountain adventure and Anne prepares for a weekend relaxing alone with the last of our cable television...that's right folks, we're tuning out and dropping off (not off the grid). Tv is fun, but we have some big plans in the works and need all our distractions at bay.
It's time to get our priorities aligned and execute. Its time for our adventure. We can't wait to bring this beautiful baby along with us :)
-B Costa
Thursday, August 9, 2012
Road Trippin' to Humboldt
*Lunch at the local brewery*
*B's beer sampler*
*Rehearsal Dinner w/ the bride at the Ivanhoe Inn*
*Enjoying the evening*
*Elise & me, old college roomies & now both bridesmaids for Jen*
*The bride with her sister & niece, who was the cutest flower girl*
*Dolled up & ready to go!*
*First dance*
*Such a great day!*
*Avenue of the Giants- B & our 10 month old puppy Newton*
*We love the Redwoods!*
Saturday, August 4, 2012
16 Weeks-size of an avocado
I woke up this morning so excited for the day! Brian and I are in Fortuna, CA for a wedding that I'm in for my wonderful college roomie! I'm so excited to see her in her gown, eat some good food, and dance the night away! Tomorrow, on our way out of town we plan on visiting the redwoods. I'm excited to stroll through the old ancient trees and breath some fresh air!
Today also marks 4 months pregnant! IThe baby is about 6 inches in length, the size of an avocado! Tiny bones are forming in baby's ears which mean the baby can now pick up our voices! We better start reading stories to him/her and playing some Rhianna & Norah Jones-mama's two favorite song artists! A few more updates: eyebrows, eyelashes, and hair are starting to fill in, and taste buds are forming. So crazy!
Today also marks 4 months pregnant! IThe baby is about 6 inches in length, the size of an avocado! Tiny bones are forming in baby's ears which mean the baby can now pick up our voices! We better start reading stories to him/her and playing some Rhianna & Norah Jones-mama's two favorite song artists! A few more updates: eyebrows, eyelashes, and hair are starting to fill in, and taste buds are forming. So crazy!
Thursday, August 2, 2012
Weekly Goals
Brian and I are taking a road trip this weekend for a wedding that I'm in up in North Humboldt County. Therefore I won't get much exercise in other than dancing the night away on Saturday night! (I'll make sure to post pics of me and my belly in my bridesmaid dress next week!) So here are my weekly goals for next week starting on Monday. I WILL stick to them! Have a fabulous weekend everyone!
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
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