Friday, January 18, 2013

Meditation Master

It's Friday!!! and a beautiful day outside and I felt so good this morning that I woke up with B at 5am, made myself a fruit smoothie and we had breakfast together. Then the animals and I fell back asleep until 8:15am. I felt so well rested, despite the frequent trips to the bathroom in the middle of the night (a nightly occurrence you get used to early in the third trimester) I suited up Newton and we drove to a local park in Lucas Valley where I was able to let him off leash to play with the other dogs, and I was able to sit and relax in the sunshine and reflect on the past 9 months and relish in these last few days before Flora arrives. It was a peaceful morning to say the least.

As for the afternoon, I've been re- reading chapters in our HypnoBirthing book with my feet up, cozy in the recliner. At the same time I've been practicing my breathing techniques in combination with a meditation album by Steve Halpern that relaxes me like nothing else. These days, I'm a master at meditating- I "go out" every time and when I "come back" I feel so relaxed and refreshed. This is very calming to me because of how it will tie into me birthing naturally in just a matter of days.

Now back to my book and enjoying the coziness of nesting at Home alone, until Briannis off work in a couple of hours. Then it's on to my nightly routine...a bath or hot shower, meditation, love and hugs from B and quiet time together for the last few nights as a beautiful family of two.

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