You may have noticed we never posted a 23 week entry last weekend primarily because we spent our days napping, eating and in bed by 8pm. Not much else. It was heaven.
A tough week for several reasons that we don't need to get into, but here we are at week 24-6 months pregnant and feeling GREAT! Baby Flora is officially rolling, kicking and flipping around in my tummy! She's now a little over a foot long from head to toe and weighs almost two pounds. She's so active these days-Brian feels her nightly when I'm laying down and even in the middle of the night after I'm up making trips to the bathroom. A few days ago-I even watched my stomach suddenly lump upwards and move from a kick! So crazy to see!
Three more short weeks and we'll be entering the 3rd Trimester-the final stretch!!! It's been such an incredible journey thus far, I can't wait to see what the last three months have in store for us. I can only assume more rumbles and tumbles from inside and turning into position to make the final descent into mama and papa's arms.
Saturday, September 29, 2012
Monday, September 24, 2012
Baby Blogs!
I follow several baby blogs, and to be honest, I've followed most of them for months before we were even pregnant. Yes, that would be the planner in me, heehee! But anyway! check out the Bump Smitten, one of my favs and pass it on to any other mama-to-be for baby shower inspiration! Some of the showers posted are way over the top, others are simple and to the point. But no matter how big and extravagant, it's a thoughtful and joyous occasion all in itself and a chance for family and friends to gather and celebrate baby and mama-to-be! Enjoy the beautiful photos!
![]() cotton candy |
![]() |
bite size breakfast
pancake & juice bar
white with burlap
tea time
maternity photos displayed
DIY garland
fabric garland
baby size jam jars-favors
cranberry mocktail
feminine touches
wishes for baby
wood blocks & invitation
baby's breath
Morning Zen
I received a copy of this cd years back from an old college friend. The tracks are so calming. Inspired from India, each song is seriously meditational in its own way. The 15 track disc has accompanied baby and me to work each morning for the past week or so. It's important that I meditate a little each day to help with practicing my HypnoBirthing breathing techniques. So back to that calm place I go...Namaste.
Saturday, September 22, 2012
Friday, September 21, 2012
No Bake Honey & Oat Peanut Butter Bars
This past Wednesday night we had our first Hypnobirthing class! Our instructor Debbie is everything we would want in a birthing coach. She's also a labor companion/doula and certified in Clinical Hypno Therapy. We'll be attending her class, with three other couples, for three hours every Wednesday night for the next month. She provides a healthy, high protein snack for us half way through class and here is the recipe for what she brought this past week. She shared the recipe with all of us and I HAD to share it with all of you. Let's just say I'm making a batch this weekend! So yummy!
16 servings (she doubles the recipe so she can keep them in the freezer and nibble on them for months!) A doubled recipe fits on one cookie sheet.
35 mins., 15 prep; 20 minutes freezing time.
1/3 cup think honey (agave nectar would work too)
3/4 cup chunky peanut butter/almond butter of your choice
1 tsp. vanilla- (or 1/2 tsp almond extract and 1/2 vanilla)
1-cup oatmeal (any kind)
3/4 powdered milk
1/4 cup sunflower seeds (shelled)
1/4 cup chocolate chips.
4. Cut into squares
5. Freeze for at least 20 minutes and then store in airtight container. (She keeps them in the freezer always or they get too soggy).
***I'll post a picture of my batch later this weekend.
16 servings (she doubles the recipe so she can keep them in the freezer and nibble on them for months!) A doubled recipe fits on one cookie sheet.
35 mins., 15 prep; 20 minutes freezing time.
1/3 cup think honey (agave nectar would work too)
3/4 cup chunky peanut butter/almond butter of your choice
1 tsp. vanilla- (or 1/2 tsp almond extract and 1/2 vanilla)
1-cup oatmeal (any kind)
3/4 powdered milk
1/4 cup sunflower seeds (shelled)
1/4 cup chocolate chips.
1. Mix all ingredients, except chocolate chips, until well mixed. (If too soft to work with add a little more powdered milk and oats)
2. Add chocolate chips
3. Spread evenly on a cookie sheet4. Cut into squares
5. Freeze for at least 20 minutes and then store in airtight container. (She keeps them in the freezer always or they get too soggy).
***I'll post a picture of my batch later this weekend.
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
22 Weeks-size of a spaghetti squash
Here we are, well into the 22nd week. Lots of progress inside and out. With the culmination of the flooring project in full swing, a minor fender bender (yes, thankfully everything turned out alright ) and a sick puppy taking place on the outside...Flora has begun running laps and doing jumping jacks on the inside.
It's amazing how much external stimulus she seems to pick up on. She can hear almost everything her mama can.
We find ourselves talking to her throughout the day anxiously awaiting the time when she can reply. I'll bet she has the cutest voice :)
Looking forward to more movements and new sensations as the days and weeks progress.
It's amazing how much external stimulus she seems to pick up on. She can hear almost everything her mama can.
We find ourselves talking to her throughout the day anxiously awaiting the time when she can reply. I'll bet she has the cutest voice :)
Looking forward to more movements and new sensations as the days and weeks progress.
Monday, September 17, 2012
I'm already booking our weekends and some evenings for the month of October (shhhhh, don't tell my husband!) with outings to pumpkin farms, evening walks to collect Autumn leaves, trips to the beach (layers and hot chocolate w/ cinnamon is highly recommended) and days spent preparing crock pot meals to fill the house of hearty scents of soups, broths and stews galore! Bring on fires, sweaters and slippers, cozy nights filled with nothing other than cuddles, DIY projects, and a good book.
Here are a few fabulous photos to get you jazzed for the coming months ahead!
Saturday, September 15, 2012
Friday, September 14, 2012
A Beautiful Story of an Open Adoption
I'm not one to be shy in front of the camera. Never have been. In fact to this day, big belly and all-bring on the flashes and poses! With that said, I am planning on having a maternity photo session done by a professional photographer hopefully the end of October or beginning of November. Ideally when the vineyards in Sonoma County start changing-a must for a few of the shots I envision. Though I haven't chosen a photographer yet, Gus Dizon is a top candidate. We've traded a few emails, missed phone calls and voice mails over the last week or so. Brian and I have been busy in the evenings with our major house projects and he and his family have recently adopted a baby boy, who to their surprise came a few weeks early. After reading his latest blog post about his newborn son, I had to share his sweet story of his baby boy's open adoption. As an Adoptee myself, this topic falls very dear to my heart. Reading this brings me tears of joy.
Please read the story but most of all take the time to really look at the heart warming pictures taken by Gus himself.
22 Week-Q's & A's
How far along? 21 weeks 7 days
Total weight gain/loss: I hit my goal! I'm 5.5 months and still under my pre-pregnancy weight. 7 lbs to go! Although I'm feeling bigger by the minute these days.
Maternity clothes? Maternity leggings are amazing. So comfy on the growing tummy. I'd love to find maternity pants w/ a 36" inseam so I could buy some pants for the coming seasons, but I haven't seen anything online. I'll just have to live in leggings and tights this Fall/Winter.
Stretch marks: Still nothing new popping up. There is a GOD ;)
Sleep: Body pillow is still my best bud. Hubby has come to realize I prefer it then him. Cat is still somewhere in between. I only sleep through the night (w/ a bathroom break or two) if I take a warm bath before bed and drink a glass of cal-mag. I've been drinking the stuff for a few years now and have B and my brother on it too. It really works if you need a little (HEALTHY) assistance with a good nights rest. Not like that Ambient shit that destroys your liver and is addicting.
Best moment this week: B finished painting Flora's room! I absolutely love the color. He has worked SO hard (and continues to) painting the interior of the house and getting ready to move all of our belongings outside in order for the installers to lay the new flooring in Monday morning. Only help he has-a dolly and a few beers. And a foot massage here and there from moi.
Have you told family and friends: I think I'm going to find a new question...this is an obvious by now. Hmm...
Miss anything? Bubbly. Sleeping on my stomach, comfortably.
Movement: Yes! But at random times. Usually when I'm driving home from work when we 'talk', and in the evenings when I'm sitting outside in the backyard relaxing, or laying in bed with Brian. She loves her Daddy's voice.
Food cravings: Penne pasta w/ alfredo and veggies. The pasta HAS to be penne. So weird.
Anything making you queasy or sick: The smell of Mexican food, pizza, tuna, smell of beer on my husband's breath, haha.
Have you started to show yet: Yes, I have officially POPPED. And B keeps telling me my boobs are out of control. I'd have to agree.
Gender prediction: BABY GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Labor Signs: that would be a negative
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On and really loose. Strange.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy! with a little dash of anxiousness. Not about baby, but about all the changes in our house. It's not the most comfortable environment right now and when things aren't organized I crawl in my skin a wee bit. In a week or so it'll all be back in order then I'll be calling in reinforcement (aka cleaning lady) to come and tidy us up a bit.
Weekly Wisdom: My main priorities are taking care of myself, keeping baby girl safe and healthy, and my family's needs. Nothing, NOTHING else matters or takes precedent.
Looking forward to: my waxing appointment this afternoon. My eyebrows are OUT OF THIS WORLD. The 25% off sale at our local "green" children's boutique store in town (mama's finally going shopping!), and time with my Husband. Every day that goes by I fall more and more in love with him. It'll be 9 years that we will have been together next month, two years married <3
Total weight gain/loss: I hit my goal! I'm 5.5 months and still under my pre-pregnancy weight. 7 lbs to go! Although I'm feeling bigger by the minute these days.
Maternity clothes? Maternity leggings are amazing. So comfy on the growing tummy. I'd love to find maternity pants w/ a 36" inseam so I could buy some pants for the coming seasons, but I haven't seen anything online. I'll just have to live in leggings and tights this Fall/Winter.
Stretch marks: Still nothing new popping up. There is a GOD ;)
Sleep: Body pillow is still my best bud. Hubby has come to realize I prefer it then him. Cat is still somewhere in between. I only sleep through the night (w/ a bathroom break or two) if I take a warm bath before bed and drink a glass of cal-mag. I've been drinking the stuff for a few years now and have B and my brother on it too. It really works if you need a little (HEALTHY) assistance with a good nights rest. Not like that Ambient shit that destroys your liver and is addicting.
Best moment this week: B finished painting Flora's room! I absolutely love the color. He has worked SO hard (and continues to) painting the interior of the house and getting ready to move all of our belongings outside in order for the installers to lay the new flooring in Monday morning. Only help he has-a dolly and a few beers. And a foot massage here and there from moi.
Have you told family and friends: I think I'm going to find a new question...this is an obvious by now. Hmm...
Miss anything? Bubbly. Sleeping on my stomach, comfortably.
Movement: Yes! But at random times. Usually when I'm driving home from work when we 'talk', and in the evenings when I'm sitting outside in the backyard relaxing, or laying in bed with Brian. She loves her Daddy's voice.
Food cravings: Penne pasta w/ alfredo and veggies. The pasta HAS to be penne. So weird.
Anything making you queasy or sick: The smell of Mexican food, pizza, tuna, smell of beer on my husband's breath, haha.
Have you started to show yet: Yes, I have officially POPPED. And B keeps telling me my boobs are out of control. I'd have to agree.
Gender prediction: BABY GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Labor Signs: that would be a negative
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On and really loose. Strange.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy! with a little dash of anxiousness. Not about baby, but about all the changes in our house. It's not the most comfortable environment right now and when things aren't organized I crawl in my skin a wee bit. In a week or so it'll all be back in order then I'll be calling in reinforcement (aka cleaning lady) to come and tidy us up a bit.
Weekly Wisdom: My main priorities are taking care of myself, keeping baby girl safe and healthy, and my family's needs. Nothing, NOTHING else matters or takes precedent.
Looking forward to: my waxing appointment this afternoon. My eyebrows are OUT OF THIS WORLD. The 25% off sale at our local "green" children's boutique store in town (mama's finally going shopping!), and time with my Husband. Every day that goes by I fall more and more in love with him. It'll be 9 years that we will have been together next month, two years married <3
Monday, September 10, 2012
21 Weeks-size of a banana
Where did the weekend go?!?
We (I really mean Brian) spent a majority of the weekend ripping up carpet and baseboards and moving around furniture, in preparation for the asbestos removal in our house, which is happening right now as a matter of fact. With the installation of new flooring NEXT week (can you tell the house projects have are in full swing?!) Brian discovered old ceramic tile in two of the three bedrooms a few weeks ago, which ended up testing positive for asbestos, soooo long story short we are having that removed today by professionals. This weekend was quite the "exciting" one to say the very least. The animals officially think we're nuts. We're living on bare concrete until the hard wood floor is installed next Monday-not a good look let me tell ya. My darling, sweetheart of a Husband is working from Home today overseeing the asbestos removal, painting the nursery tonight (yippee!) and taking care of both animals and hopefully squeezing in a good night's rest somewhere in there for himself. I made sure to purchase a carton of ice cream so he can at least end his evenings with a BIG bowl of something sweet. And he DID get a foot massage last night. Lucky guy if you ask me ;) Until that's all done with, I'm spending two nights at my parents house to make sure I'm not breathing in any toxins and don't pass out from any fumes that might be present.
Other than that, we did manage to squeeze in some fun on our "days off". Friday evening, we went to Pacheco Plaza and listened to some live soul/funk music outdoors, Saturday morning I had breakfast with a few other new members of the Novato Mother's Club at a local park, attended Trek Winery's grand opening that evening, (SOO cute, let's just say that I've already talked to the event coordinator about hosting my 30th bday party here!), and had a nice sushi dinner Sunday night, B's favorite. He deserved it!
Moving on to Little Miss Flora-I can't believe she's the size of a banana, about 10.5 inches and weighing around 15 ounces! I feel her move more towards the late afternoon and in the evening, shortly after I've had lunch and dinner. No strong kicks or crazy flips yet, just stronger movements than before. As I mentioned above, B's painting her nursery tonight with zero VOC and low odor paint. Her room will be a grayish lavender with white and peach/pink accents and decor pieces. I talk to her often, especially on my car ride to and from work. We often listen to sweet melodies by Jack Johnson (his Curious George Lullaby soundtrack is so great!), Norah Jones and Dave Matthews , but I'm not going to lie, I do make sure to sneak in a few old school hip-hop songs too. Whether you like it or not ladies and gentleman, our baby will know who Snoop Dogg is :)
Overall a productive weekend for us, baby too. Everyone is healthy, happy and very much in love with life.
Pacheco Plaza's Summer Concert Series
Food, music & dancing!(It was adorable watching the little ones dance around knowing that'll be Flora one day!)
And so it begins...
The start of the carpet pile in our backyard!
Asbestos has been removed!
Grand Opening!
Cheers to the good life! La Dolce Vita!
Newts got to take a special nap on the bed, because he wasn't enjoying the concrete...
I think he likes napping on the bed with mama! : )
Team Pink or Team Blue
And we're....
My parents joined us at our ultrasound yesterday morning and were also thrilled to here the wonderful news that we're expecting a daughter in January! My mind instantly went to, 'Oh my God! If she is going to be anything like me, she's going to be BOY crrrazy! Uh-oh Daddy, you're in for it!" Haha!
Whatever she loves and becomes in her life we will love her no matter what. We can't wait to hold her in our arms and snuggle with our sweet baby girl, Flora Anne Costa, due Janaury 19, 2013.
My parents joined us at our ultrasound yesterday morning and were also thrilled to here the wonderful news that we're expecting a daughter in January! My mind instantly went to, 'Oh my God! If she is going to be anything like me, she's going to be BOY crrrazy! Uh-oh Daddy, you're in for it!" Haha!
Whatever she loves and becomes in her life we will love her no matter what. We can't wait to hold her in our arms and snuggle with our sweet baby girl, Flora Anne Costa, due Janaury 19, 2013.
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Labor Day Weekend
We had a wonderful long weekend! Here are a few pictures that captured our adventures and sweet times together, fur babies and all.
Early morning drive out to Point Reyes Station for breakfast and a walk around town.
Below, the BEST blackberry peach muffin ever, from Bolvine Bakery
Point Reyes Surf Shop
Picked up some golden beets and kohl rabi (not pictured-tastes like cabbage or the stem of a broccoli)
Lunch at Sol Food in San Rafael. The outside of the restaurant is painted lime green and they serve mouth-watering Puerto Rican cuisine-pictured here is their fresh squeezed limeade!
A day trip to the Marine Mammal Center in Sausalito. We fell in love with the injured sea lions and elephant seals that were recuperating from trash around their necks, malnutrition, some were even shot by fisherman. The center does amazing things for these mammals. Please go and visit, and donate.
Brian's pictured below with a full size male elephant seal statue. Such a big boy!
While at the center we picked up a new book for the baby and read it to her that night.
After the Marine Mammal Center we skipped over to the beach and to Newts off leash. He LIVES for trips to the beach and running through the water! We had one wet dog afterwards and it was all worth it seeing him so happy! (Thank god for my waterproof car seat cover!)
Baby received its first gift from a co-worker of mine. A box FILLED with several different baby girl outifts. This is my favorite one-Baby's first Tahoe outfit, her first long john/thermal set. How cute, right?!??!
We ended the weekend with cuddles from Misty. She loves resting on my tummy these days.
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